Friday, May 20, 2005

Liberals where you least expect them.

Chris(tine) says,

Cadman voted the way most of his constituents wanted him to vote. And since opinion polls indicate that the majority of Canadian's do NOT want an election now, who were most Conservative members representing? It is common sense to wait until Justice Gomery issues his report. Most Canadian's understand that.

And it is important to always remember that if Stephen Harper had his way Canada would have marched into an illegal and immoral war in Iraq. I know he danced around the issue during the last election campaign, but he can't run from his original comments. The money wasted on that fiasco would have made the Gomery/ Liberal bribes look like pocket change. That serious lack of judgement would prevent me from ever voting for Stephen Harper. The Conservative Party needs a new leader. All four Atlantic provinces have Tory governments because their people are willing to elect PROGRESSIVE conservatives. If Alberta continues to bite off its nose to spite its face the Conservative Party will have limited success. And I don't mean king Ralph's party.

If your American blog site is looking for scandal and corruption perhaps it should spend less time on Canadian politics and do an honest and thorough investigation into the intimate relationship between the Bush family and the Saudi royal family. I wish people would take that seriously.

CJB say's

I did not realize we had so many partisan Liberals about. I wonder how forgiving they would be if any other party were to be involved in so many scandals. I should also remind Liberals that the budget was only sent to committee to prepare it for Third Reading in the house. It has not passed yet!

It must be “Liberating” to be able to make outlandish statements without having to back them up. I wonder if most Canadians even know what the Gomery Commission is about or even what the Gomery Commission is.

I would love to know how Stephen Harper would have marched into Iraq without an army capable of doing so. After years of Liberal government we have decimated our armed forces to point where they can only provide on site spectators at conflicts. More Canadians serve in combat with the US armed forces than with ours. Our country is virtually defenceless without American support – Shame on us!

I would like to know who has jurisdiction to call the war in Iraq illegal. What Law was broken? In fact it would appear that UN officials were making themselves rich along with the French and Russians while doing Sadam’s bidding. The oil for food scandal is the biggest fraud in world history. It dwarfs Enron and Tyco by 100 times.

I would like to know by what measure you think the liberation of a people from a mass murdering totalitarian dictator is immoral. Why did I see so many happy faces holding up purple fingers after they voted in Iraq? Was fighting in World War II immoral?

As for costing money – I think the Australians have done quiet well thank you with preferred access to contracts for the rebuilding of Iraq. They can also hold their heads up saying they did the right thing. Interesting that all the war leaders have been re-elected since the Iraq war. But I guess a hypothetical expense is worth much more than one of many scandals that the Liebrials have perpetrated on the Canadian people. If supporting our three greatest allies in a cause against a bloodthirsty dictator shows bad judgement then I must be stuuuupid.

I would like to know what the definition of ‘progressive’ is in a political sense. Because it sounds to me like ever-increasing state involvement in our lives. Ever-increasing taxes and the enshrining of envious hatred of success in the public conscience also come to mind. I think Canada needs a new constitution and I am beginning to agree with the Quebec Separatists. Canada should become a true confederation where the central government provides the army, a common currency and gets out the lives of people in the regions. I should mention that Alberta has the lowest taxes and has one of the highest standards of living in North America. The only thing that is being cut off is the money extracted by the Liberals to pay off Quebec. By the way Ralph is not a King.

The American blog site does not belong to me and it does attack scandals in the US such as false and biased news reporting by Newsweek and other liberal organs. I thought you would have regarded Michael Moore’s film on the Bush Family as an honest and thorough investigation. Perhaps you leave your front door unlocked so he can just walk in for a cup of tea.

We have a corrupt bunch of people in Ottawa calling themselves a government. Paul Martin has shown that he will sink to any depth necessary to stay in power. I wonder how long it will take Carolin Parish to get a cabinet post. Martin knows that a bi-election is coming up in a safe Liberal riding – so he will delay and delay.

Stephen Harper is an honest and intelligent moderate leader. There is something wrong in the country when he is criticised more than Paul Martin over the last six months of scandal and deceit.


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